Logplex - Load

"The load average for the dyno in the last 1, 5, or 15 minutes reflects the number of CPU tasks that are in the ready queue (i.e., waiting to be processed). More details about how load averages are calculated can be found at Understanding Load Averages on Heroku and Load (Computing) on Wikipedia."

Note: The Logplex - Load strategy is available for both web and worker dynos.

To autoscale based on Dyno Load, you must first enable the log-runtime-metrics feature:

heroku labs:enable log-runtime-metrics
heroku ps:restart

Then, create a logdrain and direct it to our secure endpoint:

heroku drains:add https://logdrain.hirefire.io

After creation, take note of the drain token:

heroku drains | grep hirefire

The token format is d.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 .

Once the logdrain is set up and you've taken note of the drain token, log into HireFire and add your Heroku application if it's not already added. In the application settings, there's a field labeled "Logplex Drain Token". Enter the token here and save.

Next, create a Dyno Manager (Autoscaler), set the strategy to Logplex - Load , configure the remaining autoscaling rules as desired, and then save and enable the manager.

Once all that's done, HireFire will autoscale your web or worker dynos based on your application's load.

Optional Log Filtering

The Logplex strategy requires configuring a log drain from your application to HireFire. HireFire ingests and processes these logs to extract metrics such as service time, connect time, queue time, load, and requests per minute. While we have implemented appropriate security measures and do not retain any sensitive information beyond the necessary metric data, we understand the desire to minimize the volume of log data sent to HireFire. To accommodate this, we offer a Docker image that you can deploy as an application within your Heroku account. This application is designed to ingest logs and forward only the relevant lines, effectively filtering out the majority of the content. Using this filtering service is optional.

For those interested, please visit https://github.com/hirefire/logdrain.proxy for additional details.

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